Protect your home from the destructive power of the wind with Origin Construction’s reliable and expert solutions, ensuring your property remains safe and secure against unpredictable weather conditions.

Wind Damage

Protecting your home from wind damage is a top priority at Origin Construction. With our expert solutions, you can ensure that your property stays safe and secure against unpredictable weather conditions. Our highly skilled team will thoroughly assess the condition of your roof, ensuring it’s safe, secure, and free from any potential issues. Trust Origin Construction for higher standards and exceptional repairs when it comes to wind damage. Learn more about how we can help you safeguard your home and maintain its integrity. Higher standards begin here.

Signs of wind damage

Wind Damage

Missing Shingles


Loose Flashing or Soffits


Visible Debris Impact


Gutter and Downspout Damage:


Interior Leaks


Exspoded Underlayment


Missing Shingles

High winds can lift shingles, causing them to curl or even tear off completely. Look for visible gaps or patches where shingles are missing from your roof.


Visible Debris Impact

Check for signs of debris impact such as fallen branches or tree limbs on the roof or in your yard after a storm. These impacts can cause dents, cracks, and damage to the roof’s surface.


Interior Leaks

Wind damage may not always be immediately visible from the outside. If you notice new leaks or water stains on your ceiling or walls after a windstorm, it could indicate damage to your roof that is allowing water to infiltrate your home.


Loose Flashing or Soffits

Strong winds can dislodge flashing (the metal pieces that seal roof transitions) or soffits (the underside of roof overhangs), leaving openings that can lead to leaks and further damage.


Gutter and Downspout Damage

Winds can also affect your gutter system. Look for bent or detached gutters, as well as damage to downspouts. If your gutter system is compromised, it can lead to improper water drainage and potential water damage


Exposed Underlayment

Strong winds can lift shingles enough to expose the underlayment—a secondary layer of protection beneath the shingles. If you see parts of the underlayment, it indicates that your roof’s protective layers have been compromised.

Why fix Wind Damage as fast as possible?

Fixing wind damage as quickly as possible is essential to safeguarding your home’s well-being and preventing potential complications. Rapid repairs prevent minor issues from spiraling into major structural problems, saving you time and money in the long run.

Prevent Further Damage

Promptly addressing wind damage helps prevent minor issues from escalating into major problems.

Energy Efficiency

Wind-damaged areas can compromise your home’s insulation, leading to increased energy consumption as your HVAC system struggles to regulate indoor temperatures.

Insurance Issues

Many insurance policies require homeowners to mitigate damage promptly. Swift action not only prevents denied claims due to negligence but also ensures proper documentation of the initial damage for smoother claim processing.

Storm Damage

Storm Damage

Swift and reliable solutions

Hail Damage

Quick and exceptional repairs

Wind Damage

Stay safe with unpredictable weather conditions

Insurance Claims

We assist you with your home insurance